Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Decided to go against my old one and try for a non-sniper attempt.

Contract ID: 1-18-6503592-03

Platform: Epic (PC)

Submitter name: mkSolas

Contract Title: A Cold Gambler’s Den


Are you feeling lucky 47?

A little bird has told us that there is a man who is carrying three items that you can use to eliminate your targets.

We request that you Eliminate that man with a headshot to show your skill and the rest with what you find on his body.

Brief Description:
Jeff drops three items randomly, some are unobtainable throughout the map and some others can be found around the area. If you happen to be lucky and get the two items needed, then the contract can be completed faster. However if you don’t get what you need, then you’ll have to scope around to find the items. Oh, and headshots only too.

Location: Hokkaido (Patient Zero)

Featured Contract Image suggestion: