Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

I want to submit another one; doesn’t seem like there’s a limit on submissions, right?

Contract ID: 1-09-7120367-07

Platform: PC (EGS)

Submitter name: evan_online

Contract Title: Boiling the Hotheads

Briefing: A disgruntled plumber who was called in by the militia to fix their basement boiler has taken out a contract on Reggie Duncan and Ezra Berg, who harassed him the entire time about avoiding common boiler installation mistakes they read online. Our client believes that if these two are going to let their boiler knowledge get to their heads… they should lose them. Preferably right in front of the boiler.

Brief Description: This is sort of a goofy contract. These two can be caught alone in the basement and distracted with the boiler, putting them in position to be sniped in the basement without anyone noticing or hearing. SA is totally possible while fulfilling the headshots only requirement, and fun to get - but “do not get spotted” is optional so as not to restrict the contract too much. You’re scoping them in front of something hot - I’d call that a hot scope! I wanted to try and do one on Colorado because it looks like there haven’t been any new FCs on this map yet…? (I might be missing some)

Location: Colorado

Image suggestion:

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