Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-06-0640795-17

Platform: Epic

Submitter name: DCxyz

Contract Title: The Marrakesh Ambush

Briefing: Reza Zaydan, Army General and our client, has been double crossed by a cult, Liberation. They stole some “important cargo” from Reza, and sent out a couple of thugs to assassinate him. You will find them in and around the market square, preparing for the hit. Take care of them, 47. And be careful, the thugs are looking for suspicious foreigners.

Brief Description: Sniper contracts are fun. This one is an obvious reference to H2SA and the Temple City Ambush mission. I also tried to connect it to the Patient Zero campaign.

Location: Marrakesh (A Gilded Cage)