Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-22-6271110-63
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: IlikeHitman
Contract title: Hot-blooded massacre
Location: Whittleton Creek


Brief description:

  • Being forced to bring a sniper rifle with you and to wear a suit for all the kills makes sniping look like the obvious solution.
  • The best sniping spot for this contract is an underused and unexpected one, more precisely, the Lewinsky propriety.
  • Even though the contract is designed to be a sniper one, I didn’t force a sniper kill method for all the targets, leaving freedom of approach. As the targets are quite close to each other, I expect speedrunners to find even faster strategies, but they will definitely need a really good accuracy for that. :wink:



*Three of the targets are Janus’ bodyguards. Two of them are in Janus’ garden. One of them stands near the shed and the other one is close to the staircase leading to the basement.
The other guard is on the first floor of the house and he sometimes goes inside a room.
*Donald can be found in the garden of Lewinsky’s propriety.

  • The sheriff is the one talking to the mole guy.

Image suggestion:

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