Official Community HOT SCOPE Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-29-3178926-62
Platform: PC (Steam)
Submitter name: piko1311
Contract Title: Watching over you
Briefing: Well, 47, some real holle is bound to break out here in a bit.
We have identified 4 dangerous individuals who have been putting microchip trackers in the Club’s drug and food supply. I shudder to think what they are planning to do to their victims.
Your task is to “watch over them” from above, if you know what I mean, and just to prove you’re the best sniper out there, try to get 'em all in the heads.
Happy hunting.
Brief Description: Whew, I barely managed to get this done in time. There’s 4 targets to take care of using 47’s amazing sniper skills, one by a falling object, others by headshots. Hope you guys like it :slight_smile:
Location: Berlin

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