Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Arrrrgh‘uable legal

Contract ID:2-26-6081220-77

Platform: PlayStation 5

Submitter name: Gamerthron

Possible Image:

Contract Title: Arrrrgh‘uable legal

Briefing: I am Captain Rieper, Conquerer of the 47 Seas. I am trying to gain enough Resources to start my life as a freelancer. But i am not the only shark in the big tank called ocean. I need to take out my rivals, so I can “legally“ take their left behinds. Coincidentally, my old (since 2 Months) Nemesis Captain Rutherford will be at haven too so I kill him with with the treasure he desires and which belongs to me. For I am a pirate. And I have only one rule: Take what you deserve and never give it back.

Brief Description: The Contract is my way to shorten the time until Freelancer mode releases and showing 47‘s Life between the mainstory and Freelancer :wink: have Fun!

simple Design: 4 targets around the mainarea (Restaurant, Pool, Gym, Massagearea). 2 targets are without any restrictions, so players can get creative. You need some clever distractions to pull this off. The Contract gets easier if you already unlocked the needed weapon. If not, you need to find the hidden treasure Rutherford is searching for. The only Exit is the speed boat and the complication „only targets“ is optional active.
In addition: some map knowledge might be useful.

Location: Haven Island

Ps: i would be thankful, if someone could remake it for other platforms :slight_smile: