Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

CONTRACT ID: 2-26-0367037-21



CONTRACT TITLE: Jarl 47’s most inportant hit…

BRIEFING: We need you Jarl 47, Help us expand Pirato La tropica

The Scooter man killed my beloved parrot in explosion, sword for him. No runners allowed, starfish to the brain please. Lastly show Pirato El killo’s leader his death by the plank.

Don’t get seen, people will know Pirato la tropica is behind it
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Made this fun thing where instead of working for the ICA he is a real pirate who killes other pirate gangs for a living. How i made my way to comleting it.
Pirate outfit start at hut, take the starfish for later, now kill the man on jetski by a sword to the neck. Run to the girl running and take her out with the starfish and hide the corpse, go to tysons house and use emetic dartgun on the girl in the pool so the guy can jump. escape by Pirate ship.
Image idea, 47 looking at the man jumping in the water and dies
Location: Haven Island