Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-26-4619600-41
Platform: Playstation.
Submitter name: Andy-Wan

Contract Title: Buccaneer’s Pool Parley

Briefing: Our client, Mr Silver, has called for a spot of revenge, served with a twist of poetic justic for the death of his daughter. Sally Qing had been drinking “Buccaneer” cocktails provided by Mario Giovine and Lesley Salazar during a recent Pirate themed pool party, where Qing was the sole lifeguard. Inebriated, she was unable to save Ms Silver from her avoidable drowning which Qing’s loverer, Mr Johnson helped cover up. Buccaneer cocktails come with lime pierced with a Jarl Sabre. Food for thought 47.

Brief description: This is the first time I’ve ever submitted a contract. I really enjoy making contracts for friends and so it only feels right to finally give back to a community I adore. To anyone who’s contracts ive played in the past I say thank you. I hope you give mine a look over. I always try to make an interesting story and some fun kill conditions.
Location: Haven Island

Thank you so much if you give this a go and congratulations to anyone who has their contracts picked. Again…I adore this community.