Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-26-9466034-69

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: Canucklehead X

Location: Haven

Contract Title: Pieces of Eight


Centuries ago, a crew of 47 pirates and their treasure were lost at sea. Years later, a map was discovered that possibly leads to their treasure, rumoured to have been buried prior to the ship being lost at sea. However, the map and treasure are cursed, with those in possession of its pieces meeting unfortunate deaths by the Captain’s spirit. Some say these are just ghost stories to entertain the tourists, but what if they are true and the Captain chooses an avatar to protect what is his?

Brief Description
After my ideas for bootlegs were taken by others, I decide to go the pirate route, basing the contract on the hidden treasure and the map pieces at Haven.

Unfortunately the Xbox can not specify suit type, but for best results use the Buccaneer.

Image Suggestion

Edit: updated image selection.

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