Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-03-0938867-84

Platform: PC Steam

Submitter name: SyncMelon

Contract Title: Cleaning up the Coastline

Briefing: A group of gun smugglers who operate on the Mediterranean has incorporated themselves within the population of Sapienza. On a recent delivery a fisherman witnessed the drop and was eliminated. Our client, a relative, is seeking retribution to this and wants you to use the avenged’s heirloom knife to do it. With the connections the smugglers have he cannot afford anything connecting him to the elimination of the targets.

Brief Description: Eliminate the four targets with the black almonds dagger without changing your disguise leaving any evidence or bodies lying around and without changing your disguise. Only the smugglers need to be dealt with.

Location: Sapienza

Featured Contract Image Suggestion

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