Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-26-1013010-95

Platform: PC (epic)

Submitter name: Cookiez1455/Holly

Contract Title: Pirate Tryhards

Are Mi Hartieess!!
Pirate 47 we need you to take along Agent Jarl’s beloved saber and stab some fellow buccaneer tryhards.
And… Narendra… what kinda fake pirate name is that. Blow him up.
oh and 47, don’t get seen no one likes to see a pirate, they will know their fate eventually.
Goodluck Pirate.

Brief Description: Two targets with a melee saber and one target with an accidental explosion, one exit, no pacifications, suit only, don’t get seen performing illegal activity.

Location: Haven Island

Picture: Agent 47 wearing the pirate suit (The Buccaneer) slashing a security guard with “Jarl’s Pirate saber”.

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