Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-27-4882072-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: Bgyorok
Contract Title: The Stump-legged Guards
Arrghh, these rich folks keep stealing all of our treasures! They don’t even allow you to shoot your “mates” once or else they will come running for your exact position! Let’s show them what it feels like to be a true pirate!
Make sure you’ve set up “the trap”! Once that’s done, get rid of them in a way so that they will know the pain of a stump for a leg!
Brief Description: A 2 target “puzzle” contract that uses the feature of guards running to your location after being shot at. The briefing also hints at this. The kill conditions are meant to resemble ways in which you can get hurt and “get a stump for a leg”. There is 1 route you can take which should give the player a consistent and smooth pace.
Location: Dubai
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:
47 looking at one of the targets from a distance

47 disguised in a group of alert guards