Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-21-6888049-62
Platform: PC (Epic)
Submitter name: djsojus
Contract Title: The Secret of Sgail Island

Briefing: 47, we have kind of a strange contract here. Our Client, G. T., claims that some ghost pirates kidnapped a governor. The pirates are part of an organization called “C.H.U.C.K.”. We don’t have much intel. All we know: Three of those ghost pirates are currently hidden on Sgail. Our client told us that the only way to see ghosts is in the darkness. So take a blindfold with you. Fight this SCUMM and kill them. Good luck!
Brief Description: Of course this contract is a nod to the greatest pirate story ever told! But it also offers a few nice challenges. All the kills can be done in close combat or they can be set up as accidents.
Location: Isle of Sgail
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