Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 4-27-5478622-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: The Sky Pirates

Briefing: Omar Al-Ghazali’s ‘Sky Pirates’ are becoming too far too powerful. Time to show that that even though they may rule the sky, back on the ground they are nothing!

Brief Description: The objective is to wipe out the leader, Omar, and his high ranking officials. On the lower half of the tower, you’ll find Omar and one of his companions, whereas the other two are on the upper floors. Setting up a fall for each one has varying levels of difficulty, but all are straightforward enough. Omar proves the trickiest, as luring him onto the higher floors is the easiest way to get SA. It is also possible lower down, but requires a bit more strategic thinking!

Location: Dubai

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

Side note: I have no idea why two of the targets look like Chevy Chase.