Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-21-0235263-61

Platform: Ps4 (Pro)

Submitter name: Greek Agent

Contract Title: The Sign Of The 4 Pirates

Briefing: 4 pirates of your crew plotted to destroy your ship,“The Rieper of the 7 Seas”,when they got their hands on 4 pieces of a map that uncovers the location of an Ancient Mariner’s treasure.His 7th Son cursed it using an Iron Maiden trap.They’ve arrived at the island to retrieve it.You survived with a few coins to feed their inner greed and their fall will follow.You might need to blind them for a moment.An eye for an eye…patch, (3.14)-rate 47 !!!
Gate guards might enjoy your old rum.Ahoy !!!

Brief Description: This a puzzle solving contract.I used the Sign Of The Four on the title as a reference to the Sherlock Holmes novel in which there is that “wooden legged” character returning for his revenge.You are the avenging Pirate,always starting at the pier and the sea waves give you the chill.You always see the 4 traitors and try to end their cons-piracy :stuck_out_tongue: You have to think a bit to solve this and be quick on your plan but I added a lot of clues-hints on the briefing for help.Thankfully it only takes approximately 2 minutes for every try.The outcome will be the same for Agents.The gate falls on all 4 and you are the one who yields the chain !!! Not room for creativity here, but I think it will give a lot of satisfaction to pirates when they achieve Silent Assassin.There is also that Optional time limit because the Pi number joke was tempting :stuck_out_tongue: Last but not least, Iron Maiden references (“Rime of the Ancient Mariner”,“7th Son of a 7th Son”) felt right, because there is already an iron maiden trap on Sgail !!! Scream for me Pirates \m/

Location: Isle Of Sgail

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