Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-22-0937261-92
Platform: PC (Steam)
Submitter Name: Mastertino
Contract Title: Off-Brand Pirates

Welcome back 47. Our Client, Rude Ruby Inc. has noticed five people who are actively Pirating their services and merchandise including the limited edition “Rude Ruby” Pistol. Helen West has been seen making rip-off versions of this rare pistol and selling them as real for profit. Charles Blake III has offered the West family pirated access to Rudy Ruby’s other services. They request you deal with the Piraters like a Pirate. They also request you use on-brand Rude Ruby. Good Luck 47
Brief Description: 47 will use pirate themed weapons found throughout the Hitman universe along with Rude Ruby brand items to eliminate the Piraters around Whittleton Creek.
Location: USE, Whittleton Creek
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