Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract Title: The Flying Dutchman
Contract ID: 2-26-7827660-09
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: Steynkie69
Location: Haven Island

Arrr… Matey!
Tremble in yer boots and shiver me timbers, for thisss… is the ghost of Davy Jones speaking! Three of yer crew members went treasure huntin’… Now them bastards have desecrated me watery grave! I want revenge matey, with a clap of thunder! Find them, explode them with some gunpowder, and make them FLY into the sea…or else me ship, The Flying Dutchman, shall haunt Haven Island, and the place shall be cursed…

Thinking of the ghost ship easter egg, I just had to pay tribute to the famous " Flying Dutchman". I also wanted to break away from all the saber kills. Explode 3 targets and hide the bodies. No knockouts and suit only, all optional. I am curious to see how players will approach this one, and if they will think the same as me. I got SA in 6 mins, but I’m sure others will find quicker ways to do it.

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