Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-13-6799322-01
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: rilledstilled

Contract title:
Hitman vs. Pirates

Your main target, Gautam Prasanna, runs a piracy website which hosts various licensed movies, shows and videos for free. However, the site is riddled with viruses which can steal data and leave peoples computers unusable for the foreseeable future. Gautam is likely aware of this.

One of his victims was our client who was struck by one of these viruses. Unfortunately for Gautam, our client has connections and now you will be sent to put him down. Gautam knows that he is in danger and so he has requested the help of two members from the Crows which he has a history with, he has asked these two to watch over him and look out for anyone suspicious.

Our client wants you to eliminate all three of them, using what he refers to as the ‘pirate method’. He has provided us with a pirate saber to kill the two gang members with. Gautam must be eliminated with a pistol, our client sees this as a bit of merciful pity.

Good hunting 47.

In-game briefing:

Location: Mumbai, India

Brief description:
I usually don’t like making contracts on Mumbai because of how many potential witnesses there are at every corner, but I feel like it adds a little bit of challenge to this contract. There aren’t any super difficult complications or anything, it’s just the kill conditions and the targets themselves which are the things you need to focus on. It is required to have the Jarls Pirate Saber unlocked (I don’t remember how you unlock it) as two of the targets must be melee killed with it.
There are three targets, two of them are enforcers and the whole idea is that it’s the clash of very different types of criminals. The Crows are literal pirates (I think, I know that the Maelstrom at least used to be a pirate) and pirates in my eyes are very reckless and unnegotiable but also very dangerous, in stark contrast with the professional nature of 47. And the main target, Gautam, is a video pirate, so it’s both types of pirates.

Image suggestions:
