Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-27-9712610-56

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: OutlawKingpin18

Contract Title: Salim The Terrible’s Revenge

Briefing: Good Morning 47. Your targets are former members of the crew of notorious Arabian pirate Salim the Terrible, our client. These former crew members betrayed our client and took both his treasure and his precious personal schimitar. The mutineers used Salim’s wealth to build a monumental final home: The Sceptre. You must infiltrate the building’s inauguration dressed as Captain Salim, kill all the mutineers using our client’s schimitar, and exfiltrate with the weapon. Good hunting 47.

Brief Description: Agent 47 (Dressed in the Buccaneer Suit) uses the Ornate Schimitar found in the Dubai Level to eliminate his targets. No camera recordings are allowed and only one exit point is allowed. Disguise changes are allowed, but Agent 47 must be wearing the Buccaneer Suit when eliminating his targets.

Location: Dubai

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