Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-09-8595062-79

Platform: Playstation

Submitter name: lukefsje

Contract Title: You Wouldn’t Steal a Video Game

Briefing: Good morning, 47. In an a search for info on us, the Shadow Client has been attempting to illegally download a 2012 video game loosely based on your exploits at the time, and has asked his crack team of hackers to procure it. The clients, members of a mysterious Danish game development firm, have asked us to eliminate them like the pirates they are. Be sure to leave no video evidence behind, as this could still provide the militia with valuable intel. I will leave you to prepare.

Brief Description: With this one, I wanted to combine digital piracy with swashbuckler piracy. I thought it would be a fun challenge to infiltrate the house in Colorado in the Buccaneer suit, and the Militia hackers seem like the type of people who do a lot of pirating online. The title is a reference to the infamous “You Wouldn’t Steal a Car” PSA from the 2000’s.

Location: Colorado, USA

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