Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-12-2502228-07

Platform: Xbox

Submitter name: SupremeCommanderIke

Contract Title: Three Headed Monkey

Briefing: Our Client who goes by the name Threepwood has found evidence of a Santa Fortuna Cartel selling bootleg copies of the Legendary Three Headed Monkey Statues from Monkey Island. Eliminate the targets involved with the scheme with a buccaneer loadout to please Threepwood Industries! A Buccaneer Suit is requested to complete the contract.

Brief Description: A suit only contract set in Santa Fortuna and inspired by the Monkey Island Series of video games. Also the kill methods are pirate themed. Oh and a No Disguise Change Optional Condition to spice things up a bit!!

Location: Santa Fortuna

Featured Contract Image suggestion: A Golden Idol in the Submarine Caves in Santa Fortuna.

PS: @Urben Your wish is my command!!