Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-03-5441366-63
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: IlikeHitman
Contract title: Like real pirates
Location: Sapienza


Brief description:

This is another contract where you start at the ruins and do some cannon kills. There are already a lot of them, but I couldn’t come up with something more original and the idea was planned out long before this theme even started, so I hope my briefing and target selecion make it stand out. :smile:

The main challenge represents the cannon kills. The targets aren’t directly in the cannons’ line of sight, which makes them tricky to kill. For the gardener, Silvio is in the way so you need to either panic him or wait until he stops playing golf and then do a bullet distraction for the gardener. The guards are out of the range of bullet distractions and the trick is to lure them with another cannon explosion first. The other targets help at making the routing smoother, as you have what to do while waiting for the cannon kills. Also, as a small tip, shooting the cannons with a firearm allows these explosion kills to be done from distance, on your way to the top of the ruins (which not only saves time because a target is there, but also saves you from potentially getting spotted by the guards investigating the explosions). :wink:

Featured Contract Image suggestion:

If anyone’s interested, here’s my approach: