Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-24-5877512-16
Platform: PC steam
Submitter Name: f3lixdewey
Contract Title: Sword of the pirates piracy
Good morning 47,
There were some files leaked in a game containing sensitive information about the ICA, and while the game has been deleted off all legal owners, anyone who pirated the game would have full access to the files. Our client has discovered that 4 employees of a bank in New York had pirated the game, and kept the files. The client has also added a bonus for if we eliminated the targets with swords for some irony.
Brief Description:
Eliminate 4 targets, all with swords(optional) and try not to cause too much panic.
Location: New York Bank (Golden handshake)

Image suggestion