Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-21-4618761-92
Platform: PS5
Submitter name: tryagainlater
Contract Title: Live Like A Pirate, Die Like A Pirate

Briefing: We’re all about the pirate lifestyle here. You have tot turn two of your targets into pirates by shooting one in the eye with a pistol and blowing up the other’s leg with an explosive ddevice. If you want to use something else in your pistol slot, you can always go digging for a buried one nearby.

Kill the other three like a pirate would. Stab with your trusty pirate saber, use a throwing dagger and, of course, shoot a cannonball. You may need a gunshot to get the target in sight on your cannon.

Brief Description: Lots of pirate themed kills as described in the briefing. I really wanted to encourage people to use the cannonball kill which is an explosive accident. I was going to do the all shots hit NPC complication but decided against it because it’s very satisfying to lure the guy near the phoenix statue over with a gunshot and shoot the cannon at him. It means people can just use a propane flask if they want but hey, shooting a cannon is more fun. I put targets near both places where you can find cannonballs and bags of gunpowder to allow for some variety in routing.

The only complication then is the headshot one just to fit the pirate theme of someone’s eye being put out. I put the bit about digging up the gun in the briefing to fit the theme but I doubt anyone’s going to use it. There isn’t much need to use a kalmer or sieker here so people will just bring in their own pistol and the target is secluded enough that you don’t even need a silenced pistol but it’s an option. The target is right next to where you can dig it up and the two shovels on the map are near other targets. It’s at least a nice reminder that there is a free silenced pistol in Sgail. Man, that sure was a lot of text for something no one will interact with.

Location: Isle of Sgail

And Featured Contract Image suggestion: