Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-24-3338686-82

Platform: Steam

Submitter name: Casetros

Contract Title: TREASURE HUNT

These scallywags plundered me treasure! Then those landlubbers put me loot in a vault! A vault! Every self respectin’ pirate buries thar loot under a big red X. Now go 'n get me gold back 'n kill those scurvy dogs while ye’re at it!

All hands hoay, 47!

Brief Description:
This contract requires you to get the golden sawed-off shotgun from the vault by collecting all the gold while wearing a bank robber disguise. Normally, it is very easy to accomplish this by starting as the bank robber, however, you must kill the targets while in a suit. This means you need to get the bank robber disguise from the bathrooms, go to the vault and collect all the gold, retrieve the shotgun and return to your suit, kill the targets and get out.

Location: New York

And Featured Contract Image suggestion (we’ll add an image in-game, to make it look awesome)