Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

another contract from me

Contract ID: 2-02-3465784-05

Platform: PlayStation

Submitter name: mjbsr2008

Contract Title: Pirating The Sword Of History

Briefing: Good evening 47. your targets are a group of historical item thiefs. The head of the operation is Loic Courcelle. He is texting his partners on the second floor. At this fashion event they are looking for Napoleon’s saber to sell on the black market. You’ve been hired by the museum of French history to take these pirates out. I recommend you dress up as a buccaneer for irony. Good luck 47

Location: Paris

Brief description:

  1. Felicien Bourque [death by jarl’s pirate saber: thrown weapon]
  2. Alain Rocheleau [death by saber: melee
  3. Richard Mouet [death by saber: thrown weapon]
  4. Ignace Richard [death by unarmed]
  5. Loic Courcelle [death by pistol: recommended if IOI is able to allow it: Bartoli 75R
  1. required exit
  2. no disguise changes [complication: only wear Buccaneer suit]
  3. no pacifications [complication]
  4. no recordings [complication]
  5. no bodies found [complication]
  6. targets only [complication]
  7. do not get spotted [complication]
  8. hide all bodies [complication]
  9. perfect shooter [complication]
  10. headshots only [complication]
Image suggestions
  1. this but with it angled behind him like he’s gonna hit him with it.
  2. one i took using the camera feature
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