Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Modern Pirates

Contract ID: 2-13-5112115-10
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Switcher
Contract Title: Modern Pirates
Location: Mumbai


Modern day pirates don’t spend 99% of their time in the ships, modern pirates don’t go and look around for any treasure, modern pirates make money by moving gold and metal.


For more info visit

Make the sea your workplace.

Brief Description:

4 Targets in the hills area of Mumbai, they all are thugs / elite thugs and you are supposed to kill them with any method, wearing the metal worker disguise.
When I saw this pirates theme, what I first thought of (in relation to Ambrose) was Vaas’ Pirates in Far Cry 3, the setting is similar so I wanted to make a “Modern Pirates” contract, Mumbai has the best setting with the thugs that are pretty much pirates, and the metal worker is related with the briefing, “moving gold and metal”.

Gameplay wise it’s definitely unique and fun, you need to play this one to understand what this contract is.

Image suggestions

Thanks @Urben and @Khakiasp for helping with the screenshots

Targets' Locations: