Official Community Bootleg & Buccaneers Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-28-4695610-18
Platform: PC
Submitter Name: Steventjeeee
Contract Title: Pirate Movie Night
Location: Dartmoor


Your destination for today is Dartmoor. Our client is currently working for the Carlisles as a bodyguard. Last saturday, our client had organised a pirate movie night. He anticipated that all his friends would come. However, nobody showed up. Our client was furious and swore to make his friends pay. He smuggled a saber into the mansion and placed it on a box next to Fernsby’s office. This is were you come in. Grab the saber and take care of his former friends.

Good luck, 47

Brief Description: Try to kill all the targets with the saber that you can find next to Fernsby’s office. I chose to not have a complication, because i felt like it would make the contract bad. The targets are pretty spread out and you can find them on different floors. I think that there are a lot of different approaches to the targets and you can use some shortcuts to reach your target as fast as possible. This contract is not so hard, because i wanted to make something that every player can enjoy.

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