Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-12-8329773-84
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: The Construction Cleanse
Location: Santa Fortuna

With pressure mounting on the Shaman to cleanse the construction site, he brews his ayahuasca stronger and stronger. He must know the nature of the curse to perform the proper ritual, but the stress of Andrea posting guards outside his door has blocked communication with the spirits.

During last night’s ceremony, the answer finally came to him in a vision. A vision of flowers and blood.

If the people want him to rid the site of evil forces, some of them are going to have to sacrifice.

Brief Description:

Maybe he made the ayahuasca too strong. Maybe his resentment toward Andrea Martinez and her cartel muscle poisoned his thoughts. Either way, when the Shaman seeks guidance through his miracle plants, the message he receives from the spirits is a call for carnage.

To lift the curse on the construction site, sacrifice 5 souls. When the power of the flower calls you, listen.

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