Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-30-7758391-88

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: CallMeMabey87

Contract Title: The Lotus Acquisition

Briefing: Our client wishes to purchase the Lotus Jewellerystore in Chongqing, but many local business owners have raised complaints about the proposed expansion plans and are attempting to block the purchase. Our client wants us to eliminate these obstacles using methods that won’t draw a connection.

Brief Description: I love the neon look of the signs and the lotus flower in this level, so used this as a starting point. I decided to go with a tried and tested story about locals not being happy with big business coming in to buy a jewelery store (the lite lotus jewelery) and make unwanted changes. I tried to pick targets who seemingly own certain establishments around the level to help fit the narrative.
Obviously a business could not afford to be connected in any way, therefore there must be no pacifications and everyone is eliminated via an accident.

Location: Chongqing

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