Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-03-9966297-74
Platform: Steam
Username: Doug
Title: A Floral Quarrel
Location: Sapienza (World of Tommorrow)
Brief Description: Kill 3 guys as a Gardener, one in an accident
"These guys had the AUDACITY to stomp out my peonies. Robert said he was sorry, but I know a liar when I see one. Murder them.
Targets and Complication: Robert Alves as a Gardener, Girolambi Giombi in an accident as a Gardener, and Dani Iniesta as a Gardener. (I’m new and consequentially, can only uplaod one image and that would be the FC image. Terribly sorry)
FC Image:

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