Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract Title: The Hippie Raises Hell
ID: 2-34-9615173-09
Platform: PS4
Submitter Name: Steynkie69
Location: Ambrose Island

Crest and his men have gone too far this time. In their fanatic quest to retrieve hidden items, they have destroyed the only Fire Lotus that grows on Ambrose Island, and the Hippie is furious. The Lotus flower represents inner peace, so he has hired us to don his disguise and take revenge. With fire.
Time to show them some Flower Power, 47.

The Molotov is an amazingly versatile weapon that can give you 3 kill methods: Explosive device, Fire accident, and Thrown weapon. In this contract I used 2 Molotovs to cover all 3 methods. Kill Crest with an Explosive device and his 2 guards with Fire accidents. Kill another guard with a thrown weapon and his partner with a Fire accident. Dressed as the Hippie for the Flower Power theme. No glitches were used, tested it several times and I got SA in 4 mins.
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