Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 4-33-5889750-31
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Submitter: EpicGamerer
Title: Flower power-outage
Briefing: Maintenance note: Can all gardeners please be instructed to not place car batteries near hoses? We don’t need another lawsuit. Also, remember not to install the Branson MD-2 microphone on stage; we all know what it could do. Thanks! From Mike.
Description: Eliminate Manon, Sato and Georgina Smalls with electrical accidents. Sato is easy but at least his kill is more unique, Manon is also a very easy kill. Smalls requires a bit more setting up, as she doesn’t naturally stand/walk in a puddle so she needs to be moved to said puddle. (No bodies can be found, but this doesn’t apply to the electrical kills).
Location: Dartmoor garden show
Image suggestion: 47 in summer sightseeing suit watching from in front of the stage as Sato is electrocuted by the microphone. (Can’t make the image myself due to the switch not being able to produce a good image).

I couldn’t resist this pun :smiley: .

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