Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-5327972-89

Platform: Epic

Submitter name: Georgikens

Contract Title: Quesnelia ambrosi

Quesnelia ambrosi is a species of bromeliad in the genus Quesnelia.
This species is native to the Ambrose Island ecoregion of the Andaman Islands.
It has a well-formed rosette of about 25 green leaves. The leaves have lightly serrated edges and are tipped by a sharp spine. The bloom reaches about a foot high. The inflorescence bears dark purple bracts and violet petals. When distilled, the flower can produce a potent, scentless toxin. If ingested, the poison will cause immediate asphyxiation.

Brief Description: Assume the role of a botanist and see just what this little plant can do (to the residents of Ambrose Island :smiling_imp:)

Location: Ambrose Island
