Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

What is flower power movement?
The term ‘flower power’ became synonymous with the 1960’s. This slogan is used to describe the passive, peaceful resistance movement of the time, which was rooted in the opposition against the Vietnam War .

Contract ID: 2-34-6524353-31

Platform: PS4

Submitter name: zubin47

Contract Title: Flower Power Movement


Two countries, Tobiastan and Rieperia, are on the brink of war with each other. Your mission is to support the flower power movement and stop the war by terminating two staged sensitive prisoners in accidents, an arms dealer, and a bar owner who is a corrupt war sympathizer.

Brief Description:

In this contract, the first part is a puzzle where you need to use accidents on the prisoners. Electrocution on both will be an easy one hence fire accident is kept on the ship captain – you may free the captain and use the gasoline drum on his path, however, can you use any other accidents on Smith?
For a real fast kill - the best is to use a Molotov on the empty cage to burn the Captain and then electrocute Smith.
The second part are two NPC close to main targets – use any methods but beware of Cameras (optional objective).
I hope the basic, casual, suits only players and speed runners will enjoy this contract on a new location which has multiple approaches and ways

Location: Ambrose Island, Andaman Sea

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