Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-18-6632446-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: Bgyorok
Contract Title: Burning Down the Cherry Blossom Tree
Jeoffroi Durepos has been making a fortune by selling and planting a variety of exotic flowers, plants and trees around East Asia. He even sold a cherry blossom tree to the GAMA facility in Hokkaido.
Our client believes his products are in fact illegal imports and that his clumsiness has led to quite a few forest fires around the globe.
His products gave him power, you must destroy his legacy and eliminate him.
Good luck.

Brief Description: A single target with 4 complications (3 optional, 1 mandatory by default). The title refers to the kill method and the target. You have to sneak around the facility to eliminate your target. With the elimination method and the 4 complications, by the time you have eliminated your target and escaped, you have basically explored the entirety of the lower level. The Perfect Shooter complication also makes sure you collect items around the map and use them.
Location: Hokkaido, PZ
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:

47 at the tree in the restaurant