Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

I made a few but I’ll start with my favourite of the three.

Contract ID: 4-29-4862033-48

Platform: Switch

Submitter name: The Elite Institute

Contract Title: The Call of the Elder Tree

Briefing: That which is not dead can eternal lie. Three sacrifices by water must be made to commence the awakening, along with a strong body to be consumed. The Elder Tree will grow once more.

Brief Description: The idea is that the hippy Florida Man is a worshipper of the Elder Tree that lies at the heart of Berlin. It has spoken to him and required that it be watered at three points forming a triangle around the tree - the initial three targets. The final target is stood by the roots and will be consumed by the tree - thus requiring death by any fashion.

Can be done with no equipment going in, as the emetic drink is only really used for one of them - but there are multiple straightforward ways of setting up the drownings. The guard is the hardest, but mainly because you want him at one end of his patrol rather than the other.

Location: Berlin!

And Featured Contract Image suggestion: