Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Apricot Thrower

Contract ID: 2-09-4876859-10
Platform: Playstation
Submitter Name: Switcher
Contract Name: Apricot Thrower
Location: Colorado


The fruits we get from the trees are a blessing from above, and the fruits shall not be disrespected.

The Colorado farm was blessed with fruits, but unfortunately they do not deserve it.

In order to take away the fruit we had the Apricot Thrower rising from hell.

Take away their apricots 47, and make your life easier and get rid of some of these sinners.

Brief Description:

This contract is a 3 targets, Suit Only, Melee, in Colorado, revolves around stealth in bushes and distractions, and that is how the contract relates to the theme, 47 takes the power of the nature and uses the bushes to his advantage, and Apricots as distractions if the player wants to, there are plenty around the targets, lots of fun to play this one.

Suggested Images:

Targets' Locations: