Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 2-34-2875603-61

Platform: PS4 (Pro)

Submitter name: Greek Agent

Contract Title: The Durian Of Dorian Gray

Briefing: Have you noticed anything peculiar about that hippie guy,47?You’ve met him at Sapienza & Santa Fortuna years ago.Yet he hasn’t grown older.It seems he sold his soul like Dorian Gray,to stay young & beautiful as an ageless rose.But flowers need water to survive.You’ll need 2 poisonous flower vials to inject your main targets for distraction.Take a sniper too.For(k) whom the bell tolls?The flower dressed woman might reveal the power of Durian fruits.Welcome to the jungle,feel my serpentine!!!

Brief Description: “The Picture Of Dorian Gray” novel by Oscar Wilde fit perfectly for my inspiration into using our beloved happy Hippie :stuck_out_tongue: as a target.He sleeps under that Durian emetic fruit so I thought it would be easy to drown him…Ha Ha Ha,the ageless smuggler laughed at me :smiley: So I had to improvise.I want Agents to try and think out of the box to solve this too.I forced the sniper kill as a hint to trigger events.The 2 poison kills are quite challenging but very satisfying especially once done at the bridge without witnesses.I also added Farah because she is wearing that dress full of flowers :smiley: There is another Durian at the kitchen and the garden fork can be obtained at the starting shrine or the hut with the boat-brick-exit-key.I originally thought of requiring changing into Hippie Suit for the injections,to ensure Agents will make Hippie reach the toilet.But since I discovered that drowning kill occurs even at the wooden bridge falling step,I went with Suit only , for those who will persuade Hippie take that path.Finally, I couldn’t resist using the iconic “Welcome to the Jungle” line from Guns & Roses !!!

Location: Ambrose Island

Featured Contract Image suggestion :

47 rises like a flower


The Durian Giver