Official Community Flower Power Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-20-8652727-82
Platform: Steam
Submitter name: Casetros
Location: Hawks Bay

Contract Title: ROSES IN THE SKY

Hello Agent, today is Alma Reynard and Orson Mills’s anniversary. The happy couple is planning on celebrating their love with a firework display on the beach outside. The explosive expert in charge of the display, Kris Mathews, should be eliminated along with the two lovers.

Good luck, 47

Brief Description:
When you activate the flairs outside, Alma and Orson both go into lock down in the panic room. Once you launch the flairs, you can kill those two targets easily. However, you also need to kill a guard by blowing up the truck with the flairs. It is difficult to lure the guard close enough to the van without getting close. In my route, I planted a bomb in the panic room, then ran to the exit, and lured the guard toward the truck on my way.

Featured Contract Image: