Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-9138012-18
Platform: PC (epic)
Submitter name: Steventjeeee
Contract Title: A taste of Ambrose
Location: Ambrose Island

Do you know what is like to get a bad steak,47?

Well, the people on Ambrose are used to it. The chefs on the island just don’t care about taste and hygiene. They use the same kitchen knifes and meat forks every day without washing them.

make them retire, 47

Brief Description: This contract takes place in the bar area in Ambrose island. Your targets are very close to eachother. First you need to obtain the meat fork and a kitchen knife from the Farah’s kitchen. Then you can start killing the targets. This contract is fun for every player, new, pro and speedrunner. Remember, you need to kill the targets in your suit!
