Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-7484274-34

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter name: Azrael73

Contract Title: Stolen Agent List

Briefing: Hello 47,
An ICA “NOC” list has been stolen from our archives. One of our sources seems to think it may be on Ambrose Island. We have a list of 5 suspects we want you to investigate. This is a dangerous place so you may have to lure your targets away somewhere quiet to see who may have the list. Deal with them discretely and hide their bodies. Report back your findings if any.
Good luck 47

Brief Description: The idea of this contract seems intriguing. There are restrictions but the kills are not complicated or fancy and i suppose you can do it with no equipment unlock provided you can get 2 of those durian fruits to make 2 of the targets sick. Just make sure those 2 go to the toilet on right side of Farah’s place.

Location: Ambrose Island

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