Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract name: The Sea Swallows
ID: 2-34-1350932-09
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: Steynkie69
Location: Ambrose island

Crest and his guards found a fun way to make money. Clients are paying large amounts to have their targets lured to Ambrose island, for a special beach show hosted by the hippie. They are then sniped into the ocean from a distance, with no bodies found. The perfect assassination. Our client wants them to taste their own medicine.
The sea swallows its secrets, 47. Time to visit Ambrose.

I discovered a secret way to kill the hippie with a fall accident without pacification, and its easy to figure out. Crest and his two guards can be sniped into the sea, which is one big container where all bodies must be hidden. There is a convenient exit close to the last kill, if you have the right tool. No glitches were used, tested it several times, and I got SA in 3:45 mins.


…and here is the trailer, just for fun: