Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-22-8508262-24

Platform: PC (Steam)

Submitter name: GAMERGAMINGGUY

Contract Title: CATCH THE BUS

Congratulation! You have been chosen as the lucky winner to get the opportunity to visit the Ambrose Island. However, your jealous neighbors are planning to sabotage your trip. Each one of them has stolen a precious item which you need to retrieve and punish them, except Helen she is just annoying. They should be eliminated in accidents so that you are not disturbed during your trip. But be quick, your bus is about to leave!

Brief Description:
All the targets have stolen items which 47 will need during is time on ambrose, except Helen she is just annoying. The eliminations must be clean and as accidents so that 47 is not disturbed during his stay . Bus will leave soon so he needs to eliminate them swiftly.

Location: Whittleton Creek