Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Last one…

Contract ID: 2-13-9278440-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire
Location: Mumbai

The gossip around the forge is Wazir Kale and Vanya Shah’s recent visit to Ambrose Island went poorly. His contact at the port, a pirate named Akka, butt heads with Vanya for calling herself a pirate queen.

Mumbai is too hot to slave over molten steel all day, and one metal worker sees the rift as his ticket to a tropical paradise.

Burn Vanya and her guards alive, amputate her already disfigured advisor and kill Kale’s old flame with an old axe, and Akka will surely welcome you with open arms.

Brief Description:

The former pirates and metal workers of Mumbai naturally connect to Ambrose Island. One of the metal workers takes advantage of the rumored cat fight between Vanya and Akka to trade in the sweltering city for greener pastures, but first, he must earn Akka’s favor.

There’s a number of ways to complete this savage contract. Can be done with no pacifications or disguise changes.

Image Suggestions: