Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-5642316-10
1-34-2664571-10 (without time limit)
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: Bgyorok
Contract Title: Bodies in the sand
Off the Myanmar coast
There’s a sea called Andaman
That’s where you wanna go
To get away from it all
Bodies in the sand
Tropical gun resting in your hand
They’ll be falling enough
To the rhythm of the trigger tap
Down on Ambrose Island

Brief Description:
A 4 target contract, 1 target has a falling accident kill method, 2 complications. This contract is related to Kokomo by The Beach Boys The Beach Boys- Kokomo (HQ) - YouTube and there are multiple references to it in this contract (one of them being that the targets are male NPCs around beaches). All of the targets are far apart, so you have to figure out a way to take them all out without being spotted in under 3 minutes and 36 seconds.
After feedback from @schatenjager, I also made a version without the time limit. It shouldn’t alter gameplay too much.
Location: Ambrose Island
Featured Contract Image Suggestion:
a shot of one of the beaches (optionally with a dead body or two…)