Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-34-9128143-84

Platform: xbox one

Submitter name: Waluigiman2004

Contract Title: Local produce

Briefing: Good evening 47, today youwill be traveling to ambrose island in order to halt the increasing drug problem the island has gathered since it most popular resident, auntie Farah, started selling the local LSD producers product in her bar. Our client has asked that the five key members of the drug ring be eliminated, so the island can come down from its high, and resume business as normal, good luck 47, and happy hunting…

Brief Description: 47 must kill the 5 key members of the ambrose island drug ring, and bring back normality into the drugged up island. the targets include:
AUNTIE FARAH -the main dealer of the island and provider of funding to the
GREGORY YEAGER - the local LSD producer on ambrose island and lead cause to the islands rising drug problem
HEMANT BALAN - the man who keeps the local authoritys out of the drug rings bussiness
DURGA SHAN - the chief smuggler of ingredients and organiser of distribution over seas for the drug ring
DHARMARAAJ HARI - Farahs second in command and expert watchman, and can often be found eavsdropping for Farah outside homes on the island.

Location: Ambrose island

For the photo id recommend using on of Gregory Yeager at his lab or Farah at the bar as they are the main focus of the contract.