Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

I’m sorry but I can’t add more than one image at the moment so you may need to search up my contract to see the objectives but it is explained in the summary :slight_smile:

Title : Tourist Information
Contract ID : 2-34-3773646-15
Author : YeahGamerszs
Location : Ambrose Island

Briefing :

Good Evening 47 , our client has asked us to take in the atmosphere in Ambrose Island , making your way around the island and taking a ‘souvenir’ from each location . The client hasn’t given us a reason for this contract but we’re not in a place to ask questions. Make sure to send me a postcard , good luck , 47 .

Summary :

This is a spaced out contract with each target fairly far from the others , there is one complication , you must not change your starting disguise . This contracts premise is to get players to ignore setups and strategy but focus more on location and where your targets are . There are 5 targets spread out around the island .

Image Suggestion :