Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 3-26-0062258-69

Platform: Xbox

Submitter Name: Canucklehead X

Location: Haven

Contract Title: The Distracted Chef


Urben was sent to Haven to provide a distraction for our team to infiltrate Haven’s servers in preparation of our upcoming operations. Instead, he’s been distracted by moderating an Internet forum of wannabe “hitmen” and apparently talking about visiting Ambrose Island. We planned this operation for our August roadmap, but because of delays we need to rush this in our September plans to get our Freelancer operatives ready soon. Give Urben his severance and finish his job.

Brief Description

I debated about submitting this, but Urben submitting a contract with HCCE made me decide to continue the 47 v. Urben theme, given the nice response my previous submission got. I guess I’ll have to come up with a fitting conclusion to the trilogy when the next theme is right.

This is purely for the enjoyment of Clemens, Urben, and the community, going meta with the briefing with the sudden submission thread of the Visit Ambrose Island theme contracts and the forthcoming Freelancer mode. And of course, Clemens is free to use it as he sees fit.

It is also a response to the YouTube comments about last month’s batch of FCs, so this one has no restrictions and only four kills (not the typical “five kills HMF contract), save for killing Urben in 47’s suit (preferably the Signature Suit) with an unarmed kill as that is the best way to carry out that assassination, up close and personal.

Hopefully it gives the HMF community and Clemens a laugh.

Image Suggestion

It’s a reused image, but I just love the image of 47 and Urben meeting face to face.
