Official Community "Visit Ambrose" Featured Contracts Submissions Thread [CLOSED]

Contract ID: 1-34-3629472-40
Platform: PC (Steam).
Submitter name: Sniff, Fragqing, and Reljve.
Contract Title: Dramatic Chiron-y.


Good evening, agents.

After Chiron negotiator Lance Hsu was killed in militia custody, one of Crest's soldiers drunkenly gave Hsu's status to the local barkeep, Farah, who happens to be a close friend of Akka. Akka sent out a contract on two of Noel's men as a means to justify Hsu's unfortunate death.

Unfortunately for Akka, a dead man's switch implanted into his brain alerted Chiron, where they assumed Akka's role in his death and sent out a retaliatory contract on two of Akka's top lieutenants.

Good luck, agents.

Brief Description: A well-rounded contract that can be undertaken from multiple angles. Whether you favor disguises and point-blank kills, or you prefer sniping from a distance all in your suit. Four targets spread out decently, it can be quick or savored.

Location: Ambrose Island, Andaman Sea (Shadows in the Water).

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